What is IFSC Code and how to know ..?

What is IFSC Code and how to know ..?

There was a time when a lot of papad had to be made to send any money from one bank account to another and one is today that the money gets transferred immediately, but if you have to send money to someone's bank account today, then you The IFSC code of his bank must be known otherwise you will not be able to send money, so today in this post I will tell you what is this IFSC code.

IFSC ka Full form is Indian Finance System Code: -

Now it is known by the name that a system has been created to send money from one place to another place in your India and in the same system where a code is needed is IFSC.

IFSC code is available with all the banks in India and without this code you cannot send money under any circumstances, then you will think why?

So let's take an example, can we send letters from post office without PIN code? In the same way, RBI has made a unique identity of all banks and by that same identity the bank is identified and that is IFSC.

This code has been identified as a bank and you may think that your account will be in SBI and if you want to send money to someone's PNB bank, then how will the core banking system transfer money? Therefore, as soon as the IFSC code is inserted at the time of transfer, the sending banking system will know that the money is being sent to which bank and then the person to whom the money will be sent to the branch of that bank will get the money easily.

What is required to send money?

If you want to send money to someone else's account, then for that you will need all these things -

  • Bank account number

  • account holder name

  • Name of bank

  • Bank's IFSC Code

So now in your mind it will be known how to find the IFSC code of the bank?

For this, you can see your passbook, it will have the IFSC code of your bank branch written in it.

Or you can also check online what is the code of your branch and for this you can use google.

Now you know what is the IFSC Code and how to find out.

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